You began the year with a very shall we say
close hair cut thanks to me. Between the stick-straight-up-in-the-air-hair and the now-you-have-no-hair cuts, I decided to turn you over to Audra, and she's cleaned you up this year.

No matter, you often cover your head with multiple hats anyhow.

And at some point this year, you decided you did not want to have your picture taken anymore. And that lasted a good little while.

You took apart two bubble guns each within 5 minutes of receiving them. Then you got mad that they didn't work any more.

You went from innocently swinging to being tossed off a tire swing at Thanksgiving.

You went fishing and didn't do too bad.

Your imagination amazes me. Here I am getting my shot as you tell me it's going to hurt. After, you very seriously look me in the eyes and tell me, "It'll feel better." And then you run off to give someone else a shot.

No idea son. No idea what you're up to here.

Here it is: no

You love helping in the kitchen.

You are very
possessive of whatever you are playing with, and we're trying to teach you not to plop down in the middle of everyone with your toys if you don't want them grabbed at, but it's hard for us to figure out a good way around that problem when you also don't want to be alone. We'll work on it little guy.

And so Mr. Energy, you came in with a roar and you went out with a roar, and we can't wait to see what adventures you take us on in the coming year.
1 comment:
Nicholas, the great thing about the super-buzz cut was those great big beautiful eyes:)
We're so glad you got past the no picture, please mode. That handsome face of yours needs to be seen often!
The picture with the firetruck looks as if you're telling sister what it's all about.
You're growing so quickly, Nicholas, becoming such a handsome toddler. We can't wait to see what great adventures Mom captures with her camera in 2009!!!
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