Grandpa's hanger in Lawrence, KS with family friends the Schwadas. Benjamin wasn't feeling too cooperative.

Grandma and Grandpa Stuber with Brood at grandpa's hanger in Lawrence, Kansas. Other than having to clutch Ben to keep him from running away and allowing Elaine to suck on an empty honey bottle, that went really well.

The park in Lincoln, Nebraska. We're brilliant to wait until the end of the outing to try to snap a photo of our red nosed kids and try to keep Benjamin from melting down.

That's more like it. The Farthings in Lawrence, Kansas.
It suits you Duke family; I think its time to get to work on the expansion.

Brilliance. The Stowe's in Kirkwood, Missouri
The last morning. Early. Before we stumble to the car to make the final leg. We are both clutching Benjamin to make him stay still.
My favorites are the one in Lincoln at the park where everyone's noses are red and the one at the Farthings with their little cuties. Your kids are just too busy for pictures - they don't want to sit still. And Ben is just Mr. Opposite. He's still a sweetheart though. I loved all of the Thanksgiving updates from the eyes of each kid. Those were great pictures as well. It looks like y'all had a great week. Alida and Elaine are getting big enough now they can join in the fun!
Expansion plans are on hold due to lack of space and funding. If you would like to donate, I can forward my contact information.
Did you just volunteer to take a child off of our hands?
That was ambiguous, wasn't it?
If you would like to make a MONETARY donation, let me know.
Wonderful family photos, great family fun, great, great memories. It appears the Stuber Thanksgiving trip was a joy for everyone! Glad you had a great time, so thankful you're home safe and sound!!!
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