Thursday, October 31, 2019

Flashback Halloween: 2009

Perhaps my favorite to date. 

Alida, why so serious?

Elaine.  Just Elaine.


Could not even tell you how I found time to do this. 

Ben at the pumpkin patch--himself entirely.  Happy to just be. 

And Nicholas, hoarding. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Expect the Unexpected

Halloween Decorators. 
A true and real smile from Nicholas...  They really are more prominent than I let on here.  I'm just tickled I was able to capture one on camera. 

And there was pumpkin carving, for sure.  Not so unexpected.  
Unexpected--shorts and over 80 degrees outside.  
Unexpected--they complied when I asked for a drop cloth. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Jack the Lion. 
Man, he's a good sport.

He finally just gave up attempting to snatch this thing off his head and resigned himself to his fate. 

Monday, October 28, 2019

Halloween Week: Decorating

We managed to drag them all out of the house for some fall planting and Halloween decorating for two hours one afternoon. 

There was a little work needed to post the ghosts around the tree not yet big enough to hang them from. 

And, we're ready to welcome the children, if they dare. 

The two-year-old across the street has been practicing saying "booooo"!
We're set. 

We're more terrified by the Christmas decorations we've seen this week. 
She said Santa looked like he had just emerged from a white van to snatch the children. I guess we're just not quite ready for Christmas.

Friday, October 18, 2019

That Happened

This guy showed up one day and dug a hole. 

Then he left this.  I have no idea who he was. 
He came back and took away the dirt and left the rocks. 

It was a good way to meet the neighbors, since more than one stopped by to see if I would mind if they helped themselves to my rubble pile.  It was two weeks before the last guy down the street took the last rock.  Easiest ditch repair I've ever made.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Backpack Bubble

Poor cat didn't even want toast after she was shoved in the bubble to join us for a movie. 
I don't blame her.

Monday, October 14, 2019


A little fall cleaning, as in a lot of fall cleaning.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Flashback Friday

Man, I barely recall getting everyone together for this photo. 

I take it back--I don't remember at all. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Decorating for Halloween

Began in an unconventional way this year. 

Monday, October 7, 2019

One Became Many

YouTube a video to make an apple tree from the seed of your apple, and become delighted when you get a seedling started!

Then a few weeks later, begin to wonder where will we plant our orchard.