Thursday, December 31, 2020



And this.

And joy

And fun

And a new toilet seat cracked us up this year.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The Stocking Were Hung

By the chimney  with care, because they could topple at any moment.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Strawberry Pie

Continuing the theme of summer dessert in the winter, we made strawberry pie the other day. 

It was gone within 12 hours.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Outings Gone Well

We packed up and headed to Carrowinds the other day as a distraction from all of the time at home.  
With limited rides and a food tasting day ahead, we were not terribly excited but we were out of the house. 

This is the first year at an amusement park that it was questionable whether I was the one that would need to be measured for height on the rides.  Although I believe the girls haven't quite surpassed me yet. 

And there was some COVID jail scene where we had to discuss proper mask wearing. 
So, we were starting to wonder why we were there. 

Then we found the rides. 

And the santa parade. 

And the night lights.

And the bigger rides with social distancing.

The didn't have the really big roller coasters going, but they looked like they launched to nowhere by the time we found them, so that was okay. 

Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas Flashback

A decade ago. 
I cannot wait until the day I ask them to remake all of these photos. 

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


My transplanted day lilly wants to bloom.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Dinner Guests

Pictionary for sure. 

It was so nice to have a gathering. 

This is a hut. 
Alida had to finish drawing it after it was guessed because our team was on fire and guessed it by the roof. 

Love everyone here. 

Friday, December 18, 2020

Birthday Boy One; 

Birthday Boy Two; 

Birthday Boy Three (in no particular order)

And dessert.

And this is a banana split.  No one really wanted a traditional banana split.  

But we approximated them. 
Because ice cream cake and banana splits for birthday dessert in December makes about as much sense as the year Alida asked for a pumpkin pie in July. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Our Spoiled Pets

Mostly, Jack rules the house and the cat lives with Elaine. 

My dog is as big as my husband. 

Then from time-to-time Jack sleeps in, and the cat creeps out on a Saturday morning. 

Particularly if she is in search of Elaine. 

Then she requires a hug and some donuts. 
Yes, the cat was able to beg donut bits out of the girl. 

And, for a time, she rules the house.

Monday, December 14, 2020


We were able to drag you out of the house for an outing to a local park the other day. 
Well done, boys.  We appreciate having you around from time to time. It is less and less as time goes one, which is both encouraging and sad.
You are 15 now, and we are proud of you both.  You've completed online driver's training classes, but we have to wait for the driving portion (way long backed-up due to our pandemic) before you get your permits.  There are so few places to drive to, but I do remember where you are going doesn't really matter so much when you get to drive. 

I love these guys.

Particularly when you smile.
Smiling while grabbing broccoli, bonus.

Friday, December 11, 2020


Wake up in the morning to the tree going over in the living room. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2020


Now we have a composter with stirring paddles, a dumping station, and spinning wheels. 
Now we have discussions daily over what is allowed to go into the composting bin.  It is a surprisingly opinionated area. 

Monday, December 7, 2020

Rather Not Any More

We have tried to make a zillion packages of peaches work. 

But when they make a game of guessing what it is before opening the package, and then

they disagree on the verdict even after seeing it, I think we need to give up. 

Thank you school lunches, but we have run out of innovation. 
There should be a Top Chef School boxed lunch challenge.  Everyone would be sent home. Except we're home, which is part of the problem. 

Friday, December 4, 2020

Forging Ahead

Distanced and masked, they forged ahead with forging class. 

And they loved it.
Now I have several hooks to hang...

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

And the Decorating Begins

Needing scissors to get to the scissors.  Cruel.

This makes me laugh out loud.

Go buy a tree that is as big as a room.  We love our tradition.

The girls struggling with light stringing--more tradition.