Remember Sunday morning when we went to church and decided to let you walk instead of hauling the stroller?

You were actually being cute. You stopped and bent over to look at something on the ground, which we indulge as a general rule. But then you just let go with your hands and scraped your little nose. And by the time we were home you had a pretty nice scratch appearing.

In the tub at night we make sure to scrub them really well to get all of that loose skin and dirt and whatever else has stuck to them during the day off. Then we balm them up and put on mittens for as long as you'll wear them. And in the morning we do the same again. And then your dad started using the loofah in the tub. And then, well, that little nail brush that you got in your stocking? We started using that too. And my heart broke in a million pieces last night when you asked me to scrub harder.
Poor, poor babies!
Nickel, I like the taped up look for your hands, kiddo. I hope you keep them on and it all really helps.
Poor, poor Nickel's hands. I really feel for him. I have severely dry skin in the winter. I itch all the time, and I complain about it constantly. Next time I start to complain, I'll think about poor little Nickel's hands and remember that I've got it really good compared to him. And he's such a good little sport about it! He's such a sweet fella!
Poor Nicholas! It's breaking my heart too! I hope the new trick helps. I'm sure that must be miserable!
Sweet Alida, that had to hurt! And right in the middle of that lovely little face:(
And Nicholas, you sweet little guy, maybe someday someone will figure out what will help.
I agree with Jennifer, Nicholas, you appear to be working the taped look!
Oh that little pose was not even discussed--he just came up with the power finger position and went with it like he was a model.
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