Patric's new tools were put to good use right off the bat.

(No, we don't wonder where the Nicholas hambone gene came from.)

I'm telling you, we are a crazy bunch when left home alone without children.
Out the door Saturday morning to the Children's Museum. And this time we braved the trip sans double stroller on the very day that all of Memphis decided the Children's museum would be a good time.
And when we got them wrangled into the little dentist room, we breathed a quick sigh before we started screaming at people not to brush their own teeth.
"How many do you have?"
"I have three."
"I have one. We're good."
"Wait. Where'd Ben go?"
"Elaine come back here! No you cannot climb the maze. I lost one!"
"I have two."
"I have Ben now. And there's Alida. Is Nicholas with you?"
"No, but here's Elaine. I've only got one. Nicholas?!"
"There he goes."
"Okay. So you have two and I have two?"
"No. I thought you had Nicholas. He was headed your way."
"No, Alida needs new pants."
"I left the bag in the car. You have the three and I'll take care of her?"
and on. and on. and on.

Nicholas gave a swipe to the dummy and declared them clean. Ben wanted nothing to do with the whole thing.
And then we stumbled across the heavily gated small children's play area. And I slumped down in a heap in the corner as the girls ran off to all things new and Patric took off with the boys to climb on the life-size motorcycle and fire truck. And I have no idea how long they ran and played and enjoyed their freedom before I thought to sniff them out. And then it was time to take them kicking and screaming out of the fun to find their brothers to pony up and be on our way.

Saturday was one of those days.
And because we are gluttons for punishment, we went on a walk after nap time--without the stroller. And we stopped by a friend's house in the neighborhood to welcome their daddy home from Iraq. While we were there everyone decided they needed to use the potty; we took some ornaments off the tree; we spit on their glass-top coffee table; and we found the access drawer to the knick-knack display. After fouling the air with an obvious diaper explosion, we took our leave. And I can imagine the looks that were exchanged as we strolled back down the street to head for home.

If we could only know in advance when we were going to have one of those diapery kind of days...
The Sunday leave-the-stroller-behind disaster we'll leave for another day soon.
I love your "Saturday Outing" posts. It looks like they had fun, even if you didn't. It is so funny the way to put in the dialogue between you and Patric. Hilarious. Seriously, your blog makes my day go by so much faster.
Hope y'all have a good week!
We all live vicariously through you, don't you know? Our lives seem terribly mundane compared to yours, consisting of sanding molding, painting baseboards and hanging paneling.
We're eager to hear the incident behind the 'sans-stroller' outings !
DYI Patric!!! I can see where you will be getting a LIST of "Honey Dos!!"
Stubers, you all do the greatest outings!! You open such wonderful worlds to your children. And it's obvious they all had a great time!!
And, like Anna, the "How many do you have?" conversation was wonderful. However, I'm sure it was very unnerving to not see four little heads each and every time you took a look!!
But, obviously the children had lots and lots of fun!! We await your next "outing" review:)
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