We were tornado warning referees.

We were wet.

We were nap time referees.

We were thankless treat makers.

We were angry-at-the-snow child carriers.

We were the cleaning crew.

We were often disgusted.

We made you yummy meals.

We were the swim coach.

We were the bottle feeders.

We were the car sickness cleaner uppers.

We were the drivers.

We were the stewardesses.

We considered buying this. Then we remembered our diaper bill.

We were gone.

We were the camera men.

We were confused.

Here we are on vacation!

And again on vacation!

What hair we had left, we never bothered with on a Saturday.

You people often ate all of our food.

And you beat us up with swords.

When we were gone, we always came back.

And with the help of big cups of coffee, we managed a few smiles.

But there were still the practical matters of being human belt buckles that needed to be attended to.

And we got our naps where we could--even waiting for the doctor at your check-ups.

And we learned to maintain our cool.

And we drove.

And maintained our cool.

And never did our hair on a day off.

We have begun to feel rested again.

We even wore our glasses at night again after getting enough energy to actually be out past dark.

And we loved it. We loved it whether we knew we loved it or not.