When you came home in this shirt yesterday and it was a disaster, I imagined that you must have had a wonderfully messy day and was glad.

We're so sorry that we got you sick.

Did we have the children too close together when the littlest ones can pass wearing the older one's clothing?

I know your hair is too long. I can't get my head around how to get you in for a cut. Never fear. The daycare has a salon, and they are going to hook you up next Tuesday buddy.

I think it is cute that you insist on the pink cup; that you put your baby to bed; and, that you insisted on wearing the girl's bathing suit. When you are 16, you will likely not think it is so cute that I documented it.
Gracie will likely not get to wear this outfit because she weighs a pound less than you Alida. She has nearly reached Elaine.

Ringworm Elaine. I am now putting jock-itch cream on your arm. So sorry.

If the girls wear the boys' Halloween costumes the next year, will it be like I always got them for half price? How long will I be able to tell you what to wear?
Nekkid babies in the pool...
I love it!!!
Randomness is always good.
Yes, Girls, we may be handing off clothes to you sweet ladies soon.
Thanks for the memories!! And, Ben, she's right - - YOU WON'T THINK IT'S CUTE!!:)
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