Alright. Everyone Ready?

Let's Go! That means you too Alida. Come on.

Good job girl. That's right. We're going to church. You need to practice your throwing up face. But please wait until we are a block from there. Then I want at least three of you to send your breakfast back into the world.
What a great looking group, Mom. I know Sunday School looks forward to these little angels:))
Misses A and E look so grown up! And I SEE shoes on each and every little foot:) Things are looking up!
Oh my goodness!
Never a dull day, Stuberoos. Never a dull day.
They are so cute and grown up in their little church clothes. I would LOVE to be their Sunday school teacher. The time would just FLY by. I'm thinking they get carsick because they rarely get to go anywhere, so when they do get to go for a ride in the car it just throws their little bodies for a loop. I say, "Barf bags for everyone!"
Um, so where are you people at the Sunday School?
Me: "Hi. Nicholas got car sick, so we're looking for some pants for him. I'll be right back."
(Horrified look on her face as he runs by her to the toys laughing) "Oh! IS HE OKAY NOW?!"
I am just really empathetic over here- all that carsickness stinks! I'm sure literally it does, but in a more general sense as well.
I was thinking you could go to church in diapers only and then dress them in the parking lot, but with cold weather on the horizon...could you safety pin a hand towel around each of their necks for car travel?? Can you give kids Preggo Pops with ginger root in them? There has to be help out there!!! At least I want there to be, for your sake.
Oh, I've got it! What helped me with carsickness when I had it briefly for 8 months was being the one to drive. Do you think Nicholas is up to the task?
Better to cover them in trash bags. It would take awhile for him to get everyone there on his trike because you can bet he is not driving my car. They are a little young yet to try to get out of going to church aren't they?
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