Because this guy who was having a wild time on the swings up and decided to start puking. Back and forth, leaning over, spewing vomit. Yep, we did a number on that place. Nicholas was whisked to the grass and calmed down, girls were scooped and ran to the car to grab a stroller, change of clothes, towels, and Cheez-Its in an effort to keep them happy. Ben? Well some woman was just nice enough to play with him while we changed Nicholas and cleaned up the playground, which is pretty hard on that rubbery ground. The only one who wanted Cheez-Its? Motion Sickness up there. And so we hung our heads and slinked off to the fields to get our fresh air far from the other people, who I am certain were looking at us like we were diseased.
What an awesome Stuber Saturday (minus the puking part). Poor Nicholas. I don't think I'll ever look at Cheez-its the same again.
The pictures are great. I love the frog shot. Don't blame Alida. I don't like shoes myself. Poor Emily doesn't even own a pair yet.
Do you think I can pretend that was a successful family prayer we were having there?
Maybe a prayer for the frog?! Great shots, Mom:) Oh, well, if the people in the park have never seen a sick child, then it's time they did. Sorry he was sick, though.
Ben will look at that picture in about 40 years and think, "Boy, I wish I could do that now."
Jen's right, Em doesn't even own a pair of shoes. We just all go barefoot from the time we enter the door - - regardless of the temp inside or out.
Glad Dad is home and the outing was a success. Were the girls as sleepy as the boys when it was all over?
They are all growing up way too fast, mom:)
I just can't believe these puking episodes keep happening to you! I guess you need to come up with some kind of puke kit to keep in the twinivan? Extra shirts for everyone plus six rolls of paper towels, some plastic bags and child Pepto Bismol? Sheesh.
All of those things Dukes are in the van now--puke kit at the ready. What we missed was actually dragging it from the parking lot to the playground. Added to our version of the puke kit is the snack because that takes a lot of energy you know.
Maybe a wet/dry vac needs to added, too, for stubborn playground rubber.
What you really need, Brood Mama, is a web shooter. That way, when the puking begins with one Stuber, you can quick freeze the others in a web and, effectively, stop time while you retrieve the puke kit and use its contents. I might put that on my own Christmas list.
Or, or...I could freeze the vomit mid-air. I like it.
Yes, YES!! I never even thought of that!
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