We were huddled up in a cabin with no heat trying to get it fixed when we were reunited with daddy. But even that wasn't enough to warm the room really.

So after playing musical cabins: this one is too cold; this one is too small with no bedrooms; this one is just right, we settled in for the week.

Princess Alida didn't mind nature walks in her dress, so we didn't either.

And we took a lot of walking adventures.

We went to the zoo.

We found a playground.

We marched around the entire lake it felt like.

We fed the ducks, who were a little too tame for my tastes.

And when they saw this, they zeroed in on the way to break in without missing a beat. We had to run to keep them from actually getting through. Well their dad had to run; I had to take pictures I guess.

It was as I was taking this picture that I realized that Alida's costume did not mix well with
marshmallow roasting and it came off for the evening.

Ben was sweet enough to play horse for Elaine.

We had ice cream.

And on the last day it rained all day.
It seemed fitting really.

So we settled in and
dried off and prepared for the good-bye
ceremony the next day.
A cabin in the woods with no heat - that is cold to the marrow of one's bones. Shoes and boots all lined up by the fire - that is warmth deep down to a soul.
That shoe shot is precious.
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