Tuesday, February 9, 2010


He is in Kuwait today. Nine hours ahead of us.
He'll be there 4 days before moving to Camp Anaconda in Iraq.

If you sent a package now, it wouldn't be waiting for him when he got there, but it might arrive shortly after....

Captain Patric Stuber
TF 2/278th ACR
JBB, Iraq APO-AE 39391

Osteo Bi-Flex, I-tunes gift cards, toilet paper is always nice, a written letter, movies, twin size sheets, Nivea shaving products, Old Spice bathing products, food--microwavable is good, non-perishable is good, batteries, any creature comfort that you might enjoy, he'd probably enjoy as well.


JB-anon no more! said...

Thank you for something I can do to help! Shopping tomorrow!

You are my hero.

L&B said...

I used to send care packages to a friend in the peace corps a few years ago...I know just the things I'm going to include for Patric! We'll make sure he's taken care of...
Have you looked into video conferencing on your computer?

The Dukes said...

Planning my care package in my head as I type. I assume he's a coffee drinker? That's kind of a staple item in care packages...

The Mighty Stuber Brood said...

Yes, the man drinks coffee...coffee is a wonderful idea particularly from the coffee people.

We are looking into video conferencing now...kind of have two minds about it.

The Noltes said...

Thanks for Patric's address. This will be my first care package overseas. I wonder what I could put in a care package to you??

Gran of The Dukes
Colorado, USA

The Mighty Stuber Brood said...

Alleve. They sell it in big bulk bottles at Sam's Club....

JB-anon no more! said...

I will leave this alone after this post but I had to tell you: I went to Target and enjoy selecting stuff I might want if I were a man in Iraq (a bit of a stretch) and then I bought two of each, to include another soldier. At checkout, the checker noticed and made a comment on my duplications, whereupon I replied: "I have twins...". That was fun.