When he was just months old, we were tickled to watch him bounce and kick and smile and laugh in that white bouncy chair while we made dinner in the background.

We were horrified when we realized that he was using it to scratch his ankles and the chair was covered in blood.
It is still a constant battle. He defines eczema.
Ouch. What a Trooper to sit there with a smile on his cute little face, displaying that incredible finger! Extra Strength Benadryl over here! I hope there is something much better for him to take and that it works.
Poor Baby Boy! That is so horrible.
I cannot imagine dealing with that as an adult but it is just cruel that a child, who is constantly touching and playing and gesturing, has to deal with it. I feel so bad for Nicholas and wish all the time for a miracle cure for him.
My heart breaks for little Nicholas! But look at that big, beautiful smile...he is an amazing little child :-)
Poor, poor Nickel..he's such a good sport about it. You are too - I know greasing him up every night isn't any fun. I hope they come up with a cure, and soon! But until then I'll say a little prayer for Nicholas!
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