We were on the road before 8 during a lull in the storms.
As we hauled over the Mississippi River, I kept looking at the traffic backed up on the other side because of an accident going East into town. Whew, so glad we aren't stuck in that! We barrelled on a few miles, so GLAD we aren't stuck in that. Then Elaine had a melt down. I pulled off to rearrange and figure that out--making sure her appendix wasn't bursting. We went to get back on the Interstate and there was no West-bound ramp.
Yep. We had to head East-bound, back into Memphis to turn around, sucked into the whole traffic jam. By the time we made it back across the river, rearranged again, and got ourselves re-buckled, the sirens were going off in town.

And they ran off for the park, and Ann and I were able to sit down and have a conversation.

Alida is a bit in love with Ranger.
It was likely our last visit to our friends in St. Louis since next time we'll be visiting them in Dallas. We can't wait and wish them well with the move.
You are one determined lady. Tenacious. Who knew that gy-normous front didn't extend to St Louis? Aren't they the epicenter of terrible tornadoes, after lovely Kansas, of course.
Can Elaine/Alida's lip stick out any further? Queen of the Pout! So cute now...
Was this a planned trip to St Louis, or prompted by the sound of tornado sirens?? Either way...very scary! You are the master road-tripper these days...
Ah, we pretty much knew we were going as we watched the weather reports through the week--the 4:30 wake-up cemented the deal.
Y'all were smart - heading the OPPOSITE direction from the storms. All these people trying to travel along I-40 got trapped between Memphis and Nashville. I did well to just stay put, but I was sure wishing to be elsewhere!
I wish Lawrence was as close to you as St. Louis!!
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