Patric sends pictures without explanations.
I have to make up what I think is likely going on in my head.

"Smile! I command you to smile! Then dust off your keyboard for goodness sake."

I had to make all of my own computer equipment from bailing wire and stuff from the recycling bin, but look at this chair! It's awesome.

Of course I'm mad. Everything I've asked for is out of stock, and now I'm going to have to mail order it...

Oh, his
mamma misses his face.

Sir, can you just.... Please. Stop the camera. Yes. Okay, you're funny. Can you just sign the dang paper?
Hey this couch would go great with the office chair down the hall.

I imagine this is a return, and they are weary.

And I would love to be there to hear the stories he tells.

I don't know.
You should get a job writing catalog/online descriptions.
I love to study the surroundings in these pictures!
How can you miss the 3D glasses in the last one? Zoom on the laptop...big things going BOOM. Like they don't see enough of that?
And, hey, I love lime green, but what's with the USA flags on their BDUs?
I'm shipping a case of EndDust right now.
The dust is magnificient, isn't it.
I know, I know the 3-D glasses, but what--JAWS?
Zoomed: looks like two boxes of heart chocolates to me. I don't want to know what 3D movie that is.
Susan, you are hilarious! I was seriously in hysterics reading this. A new favorite post. Going back to check out the 3D glasses.
Look at the "motivational" poster on the fridge in "Momma misses his face"!
The backgrounds are fun to zoom into.
I know! I think they intend to bring the dogs playing pool tapestry from 3D Movie back when they come home...
This is hilarious!!! Every time you post something like this that sends me into hysterics I'm even more sad you don't live in Lawrence. :(
I am loving the Ron Burgandy head shot pinned to the board in the last one - right next to the American flag. Cracks me up. Also, I did spy a can of that computer duster aerosol in one pic. They need more.
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