Next week we'll have some long overdue randomness, for now let's enjoy a re-cap of this week...

Being the good mommy that I am, I dismissed Nicholas Monday night at bedtime as delaying when he told me his stomach hurt. I told him if he didn't feel good, he needed to get some sleep. Five minutes later he was in the bathroom throwing up. We were up several times during the night fighting the good fight. Tuesday we hung out together. It was refreshing to have just one four-year-old in the house. I ignored my own swelling throat and got a million things done as he watched cartoons in my bedroom.

Wednesday Nicholas was better, really. I, on the other hand, left work at 11:00 because I felt like junk. I was home and in bed by noon. I got a solid three hours of sleep before daycare called to let me know that Ben had thrown up in the library. I gathered him and we hung out and felt awful together for a little while that afternoon before getting everyone else.

Wednesday night, we hunkered down to bed with little formality, no baths, no stories. Ben came to bed with me in case he got sick during the night. Nicholas said he was scared to sleep alone but passed out quickly and the girls went down fast. Then around 11:00 Alida found me and complained that her pants were wet. Yes they were, wet with throw-up. Cleaned her up, got her back in bed. Two hours later, the same thing again. One hour later a magnificent storm blew through and rocked the house waking us up again and blowing two breakers. Ben looked over at me and asked, "Mommy, what's that racket?" He still hadn't thrown up.

Thursday morning and Elaine was the first out of bed, as usual, but at a late 5:45. She had throw-up caked in her hair. The poor thing had thrown up during the night and didn't even get out of bed. (Oh, yeah did I mention that I'd had my own round of this during the night as well?) I toyed with the idea of taking Nicholas in to school just to get him out of the sick house, but gave up when I realized I could barely move. I laid around half coherent Thursday morning while most of the kids did the same. Nicholas, I discovered later, had found Halloween and Christmas decorations somewhere, unraveled an entire roll of scotch tape, taken off all of his clothes, painted his face like a warrior with my eye-liner, lined up some toilet cleaner and bubble bath in the shower. He had drug out the toilet plunger (did he use it? I don't know), and drug a stool into the extra bedroom and found my one last Chapstick the girls hadn't previously destroyed that I'd hidden high.
By Thursday afternoon we were feeling somewhat better if not still puny. Today, the kids are good--as far as I know, and I'm home licking my wounds. Grandma and grandpa may be re-thinking their weekend visiting plans right about now...
The vomit hair is such a treasured memory for Alida's future husband.
Rest. Charge your batteries.
Rest and Recuperate.
Better Days are Ahead.
One morning, found 6 year old Sarah
in the same shape as Elaine.
So sorry for this lousy week for you.
This week, I was delighted to receive a touching note from your Captain Stuber. He is most welcome for the care box and I agree with his praise and admiration of you:)
Gran of The Dukes
I cannot believe this happens to you. Where is the justice in the universe?!!
I am totally grossed out and simultaneously so sorry you had all that in your lap/carpet/hair on top of the storm circuit breaker incident.
Do you ever wish you could go into the laundry room and pull the washer in front of the door on purpose?!
I can't imagine how much laundry you had to do. And while sick on top of everything else! Hope you are all able to get some rest and feel better this weekend!
Bright least you got it all out of the way in one sitting instead of a long(er) drawn out affair? I'm so happy you had reinforcemnets this weekend!!!
JB is right...the vomit hair will be a treasured Alida memory :-)
Glad you are feeling better!
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