Compare if you will to down below.
We got a package in the mail yesterday from the Dukes' mom. After I smelled it, as I smell all packages from Sarah (coffee, my friends, coffee), I ripped it open. And on the same day that I shared my pictures of my pictures for the kids, Sarah sent me pictures for the kids. I laughed heartily. And then I was thankful for such an incredibly thoughtful friend.
Now when Ben really does give daddy a bath, we'll have a back-up...

Oh, and I actually love that she got the color frame for my house more correct than I do--all of our other frames are black, not brown.
I think I read somewhere that Cpt. Stuber doesn't get access to read your blog. Can I print them off and send them with my packages?
I had to smile both days! I thought you were going to mention The Dukes on the first post :) I didn't know her package had not arrived yet!
Gran of The Dukes
Patric would love to get these pictures. I would love to say I'm going to do it, but it took me 2 months to get them into our own house!
Now you can have "upstairs" Daddy and "downstairs" Daddy.
Creepy-wonderful coincidence. Extemely thoughtful. Lovely.
I'm on it!
I sent him the Heidi Farmer article in the last box.
Let me know when you think of something else you want me to send :)
Gran Nolte (or as Sarah's good friend Gina calls me: Mama Nolte
I have goosebumps. How wonderfully thoughtful and sweet!
I gasped. Audibly. And when my Mom, in Colorado, didn't hear it, I called her over and over again until she came in from shoveling their house out from under a mountain of snow to talk to me about a real emergency! :)
When I saw the first picture of pictures yesterday, I couldn't believe your nerve in re-painting the frames I chose!!
Well it's all an elaborate scheme: I first took pictures of yours, then I painted them, then I took more photos, then I gave them to the kids, then I posted it all in reverse all in an effort to look pulled-together...
Clearly you have too much free time on your hands...
I kill myself.
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