2:30 this morning.

My dreams were interrupted, or rather integrated somehow, with an argument between the boys. It was clear, and it was loud. Somewhere between incredibly asleep and not quite awake, I managed to think to myself that surely this wasn't really happening. My head felt like a brick as I turned to look at the clock. 2:30 a.m. The voices were louder now. But they were still far away. The more I woke up, the more far away they seemed. And yet, the more real they became. This was real arguing that I was hearing, but where? The boys sleep a door away from me right now, and these voices were downstairs. What? I lunged out of bed and lurched to my door. Sure enough the boys were downstairs arguing. I looked back at the clock to make sure I read that correctly. Yes. I stumbled downstairs toward these little people. When I got to the kitchen, I found them together at the sink with cups in their hands, teddy bears in their arms. Ben was dumping water on Nicholas' bear. What?
"What are you people doing?!"
"Ben just dumped water on my bear!"
"But, what are you doing?"
"My bear's all wet!"
"But, why are you here?"
"Ben just made my bear all wet!"
This was getting us no where. I shuttled them back to bed. Mystery unsolved. What would drive these people to both go downstairs and then start dumping water on their teddy bears in the middle of the night? The universe will never know.
1 comment:
Sleep walking? Did they remember this morning and what was the "reasoning"?
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