Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Things To Come

Well Alida, what's got your nose all out of joint this fine afternoon?

The purposefully crossed arms.
The big lip.
The heavy sigh.
Oh, the drama.

Ah, fighting over fake phone time already.
It's okay, by the time you are a teenager, I'm guessing you'll all just have some surgically attached chip that circumvents this problem. I'm sure you'll wonder what on earth that thing is that is tethered to the wall. Or perhaps you're already fighting for the attention of the person on the other end of the line?


The Kings said...

Ah, the days you have in store, Brood! We'll still be tuning in.

JB-anon no more! said...

Yep, that is scary stuff! However, don't you wish you could still do that pose in response to the unfairness of life?!

The Noltes said...

Yes, there will be those looks.
Mrs. Dukes and her brother threw them at us occasionally during the years they lived with us. I remember doing it to my Mom and siblings, too.

I'm with Mrs.3 Kings up there! It will be fun to watch for changing moods and oh so many other interesting days ahead for the Stuberoos and Stuberettes!
Do you think you will post Prom photos for us?

Gran of The Dukes

The Mighty Stuber Brood said...

I think I'll take a weekend trip and leave them home alone about a month before prom. Then when they throw a party and get grounded for a month, I won't have to pay for prom atire...