In February I made sure to take pictures of all the kids with their dad, thinking it would be great to have one for each of them. Then I picked up some cheap frames. Then my project stalled.
I finally got around to getting them printed and framed last weekend.

And Benjamin has carried his around everywhere since. Yesterday, he took it in the car with him to daycare. I had to set it just so on the dashboard before we exited the car. And you better believe I made sure to have it set back just so when I went to pick them up.

Here he is feeding daddy some soup.
And lest I run off and call the mental health experts he gave me this, "Don't worry mommy. I'm just
pretending to feed daddy soup."
I had to draw the line at giving daddy a bath.
The mind's-eye is a wonderful thing. How very sweet and sad. Hang in there, Ben. I know Daddy was very glad to get a taste of that soup.
A child's imagination is truly amazing. That Ben, what a profound little guy!
Perfect idea for right about now...
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