Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
The Saturday Outing: Cedar Hill Farms
We were up and out Saturday morning to Cedar Hill Farms and first in line for the Hayride to hunt Easter Eggs with Emily, her parents, and our friend Tena from work.
Alida took off for some other part of the ride. I guess she didn't want to be associated with us...
Yeah sure. Elaine's bucket was filled to the top by the time I got around to her quality assurance check.
But they had fun.
And after this I was on the run.
And I am so sorry to have missed the rest of their trip, which was artfully documented by the Kings, but I had to run to go get groceries and maybe some Chik-fil-A.
Thank you Tena and Kings for giving me a solid block of time to get a few things crossed off my shopping list.

And I am so sorry to have missed the rest of their trip, which was artfully documented by the Kings, but I had to run to go get groceries and maybe some Chik-fil-A.
Thank you Tena and Kings for giving me a solid block of time to get a few things crossed off my shopping list.
Spring Fever,
Thank You
Friday, March 26, 2010
I Guess
(what is this thing? where did it come from? why is he so out of proportion? why is he staring at me?)
Just Wondering,
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Now This Made Me Smile; She Probably Screamed
Compare if you will to down below.
We got a package in the mail yesterday from the Dukes' mom. After I smelled it, as I smell all packages from Sarah (coffee, my friends, coffee), I ripped it open. And on the same day that I shared my pictures of my pictures for the kids, Sarah sent me pictures for the kids. I laughed heartily. And then I was thankful for such an incredibly thoughtful friend.
Now when Ben really does give daddy a bath, we'll have a back-up...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Just What He Needed

I finally got around to getting them printed and framed last weekend.
Iraq 2010,
That's Going Too Far
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The Saturday Outing: Ladybug

Emily allowed my girls to tear into her gifts, but don't go stealing her momma.
And in a showing of goodwill, instead of fighting for the chair they both wanted, these two just shared the chair so they could tear into their beautiful cake.

It was a lovely party and we are so glad to be a part of these celebrations.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Anon-No-More For Sure
She brought our new favorite cereal along, and Alida sat down and ate bowl after bowl for the entire visit. It was nearly embarrassing how much cereal these kids ate since it looked like I don't feed them. When JB asked what they had for lunch, Ben piped up with "crackers." Made me look even more like mommy-of-the-year. We all know full-well that those kids got all the mac-n-cheese they could eat just prior to her visit.

Anyone that can tease that out of Ben is welcome in our place any time. Now that she knows how to find our house (we think she can find it again, we're not sure...), we hope she visits often.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Coming Soon
After pulling the stuck lollipop off the floor along with some carpet and ignoring the other debris that had already made this new-last-November car disgusting, my parents helped me go pick up my Mother's Day gift to myself. Let's just say, it was so big that the trunk wouldn't close. I only had some twine to tie it down. The first speed bump we hit popped the sucker open. So, they drove, and I crawled in the back and wedged myself into our large load. Then we drove home with me holding the door down with the help of twine tied around the license plate. You would think such a well thought out car would have a place to tie off a rope piece of lousy twine. Good thing I have my daily strength training hauling people back and forth to time-out.
We'll have to wait for the great unveiling for Mother's Day weekend when I can get some folks around to do some construction. I am currently dreaming of creating gourmet meals while the children play outside. I'm dreaming of hours of free time in the kitchen as I watch the kids taking turns. I'm dreaming of our first trip to the emergency room...
While you wait, don't forget to go read me ramble on about deployment at The Good Stuff Guide again today. Sheesh, you would think I don't get out much the way I chatter.
I'm a minivan driving fool,
Spring Fever,
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Good Stuff
Check it out, we're famous:
and I am apparently long-winded when being interviewed...
This is a great site to spend some time clicking around in. It really is good stuff: organization, travel, home tours, thoughts on life with kids. And then we showed up...
Thank you Heidi for spending some time with us and letting us share our story.
Unsolved Mysteries
2:30 this morning.

"What are you people doing?!"
"Ben just dumped water on my bear!"
"But, what are you doing?"
"My bear's all wet!"
"But, why are you here?"
"Ben just made my bear all wet!"
This was getting us no where. I shuttled them back to bed. Mystery unsolved. What would drive these people to both go downstairs and then start dumping water on their teddy bears in the middle of the night? The universe will never know.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Brief from Iraq
Below is part of a letter Patric wrote to his soldier's families this week. He continues gush about the food. Geez, you would think he only got corndogs and mac-n-cheese at home or something... Apparently, he is also promising that the men will come back all bulked-up from working out at the gym.

For the record--and especially for the spouses of the 04-05 veterans--our Max Pro-Plus vehicles are highly survivable, infinitesimally more-so than the up-armored HMMWV of past deployments. By design, they have already proven highly resistant to Improvised Explosive Devices and completely impenetrable to small arms fire-such as rifles and machine guns well beyond the capacity of previous vehicles.
The facilities are splendid here with chow hours around the clock and multiple gyms--that for many--will forge your loved ones into better shape than they departed. The USO offers video reading for free to send to the little ones that four children LOVE. Morale continues to be very high. Indeed the mission load has been challenging, but we all know what the Good Book says about idle hands. And we are far from idle. Our training at Camp Shelby has served us well through providing techniques to accomplish our mission; perhaps more importantly, time together hardened the resolve and collective bonds for gun-truck crews and platoons that has transitioned into stellar tactical performance. Translation--we can stomp insurgents into a mud hole should they threaten our fellow troopers or the US cargo drivers we protect. The Gunslingers took little time meeting and surpassing the Mississippi unit we relieved here in Balad. That is the truth. We are running hard and we are running smart. As their commander, I can only augment the pride you already hold for your loved one in watching such professionalism and discipline in action.
For the record--and especially for the spouses of the 04-05 veterans--our Max Pro-Plus vehicles are highly survivable, infinitesimally more-so than the up-armored HMMWV of past deployments. By design, they have already proven highly resistant to Improvised Explosive Devices and completely impenetrable to small arms fire-such as rifles and machine guns well beyond the capacity of previous vehicles.
Things To Come

The big lip.
The heavy sigh.
Oh, the drama.

It's okay, by the time you are a teenager, I'm guessing you'll all just have some surgically attached chip that circumvents this problem. I'm sure you'll wonder what on earth that thing is that is tethered to the wall. Or perhaps you're already fighting for the attention of the person on the other end of the line?
Good Luck,
I Have Seen The Future
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Randomness: Ready for Spring
Chocolate alone=good
Marshmallow alone=good
The 2 together=not.so.much
I kind of agree.

Monday, March 15, 2010
The Weekend: Bravery

Everyone was given a canister of Chlorox Wipes Saturday morning and told to go play with them; we flung open the windows and each put on a sweatshirt to get some fresh air; and, I think we ran the washing machine the entire day long.
Here's crossing our fingers that was the end of the spring sickness.
Friday, March 12, 2010
The Week: Let's Review and Forget
Next week we'll have some long overdue randomness, for now let's enjoy a re-cap of this week...

By Thursday afternoon we were feeling somewhat better if not still puny. Today, the kids are good--as far as I know, and I'm home licking my wounds. Grandma and grandpa may be re-thinking their weekend visiting plans right about now...
Poor Thing,
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
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