Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Stocked For Now

We got a few gifts of PlayDoh toys at Christmas time, and I must say I haven't even had to open one of them yet.

Because grandma sent scissors. And well, scissors are very fascinating to my children. Very fascinating.
Thank you so much grandma. I think we have a month of haul-it-out-and-entertain-yourselves-while-mommy-makes-dinner-that-we-won't-actually-eat-at-the-dinner-table-activity to keep us busy.


JB-anon no more! said...

Quiet play is a beautiful sight.

The Dukes said...

Where did she get those scissors?!

The Mighty Stuber Brood said...

Who would have ever thought that getting these scissors would be so hard?! She found them online, and I don't think it was actually that easy to get them once she found them. My parents almost put me to shame with their mad internet shopping skills.

Anonymous said...

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Wait til the Brood get online! Won't that be a sight to see...

The Dukes said...

I can't wait for them to have their own blogs about growing up Stuber.

The Dukes said...

Oh, and if they are willing to share the link where they found them, let me know!