Wednesday morning Nicholas brings everyone around the hibiscus plant in the yard to mourn the loss of last year's branches, which my dad had cut back while he was here last weekend. As the three stood around with their heads bowed to the stubble at the ground (one girl took no interest in the lamenting), I explained that it would grow back in the spring.
At the mention of spring, Nicholas' eyes light up, and he gives up and walks toward the car ready to get in now. "Will we go to Aunt Lori's in the Spring mom?"
And then we begin the review of last year's Spring visit to Texas. And we all agree that was fun and we should do it again. And I mention, "And you know what? Aunt Lori is going to have a baby! So we have to go visit."
As I'm finally buckling everyone in to their seats, this: "Mommy, where do babies come from?" Just like that. Just those words. And just then, a baby girl started fussing for her gloves, and I was conveniently distracted from hearing the question and mumbled that Brian and Lori love each other very much.
There you go. The cycle of life in reverse all while loading the car.