Friday, October 23, 2009

This Morning

At 4:45,

we could hear Nicholas in the hallway whispering to Elaine,

"Go wake them up."

I got him to go back to bed. The girls just traded off getting put back in bed until I gave up and put them in front of the tv at 6.


Anonymous said...

If I had birthed 2 sets of twins, there would have been a tv in every room including the bathroom. Their brains would be mush! You are a good, if not great, mommy.

There's No Place Like Memphis Mama said...

You have the patience of a saint. I would have died!

The Dukes said...

I love how he was scheming to not be in trouble for being the one to wake you up!

The Mighty Stuber Brood said...

It is fascinating to me that the little con-man has already figured this out. That or he was just mad that she stopped by his room first and brought her to our room out of spite...