Tuesday, October 27, 2009


For children who would much rather run than take care of personal tasks, buttons on 2T and 3T pants are one of the most bone-headed things I can think of. Why would you discourage them from bothering to latch their own pants?

It may be why I don't tend to make Nicholas stay dressed at home.


The Dukes said...

See, this bothers you because you have other kids to tend to. Me? I would rather them have trouble getting the pants off and on. This means I am always aware of fluids/solids moving in or out of the body and, more importantly, WHERE said activity is occurring. So I don't mind it so much!

The Mighty Stuber Brood said...

I would spend my entire life buttoning and un-buttoning pants because the moment the girls figured out that the boys were getting some portion of attention, they would stand at my feet and scream for their elastic-waist pants to be unbuttoned with real tears and everything.

Mommy Jenny said...

How about buttons on baby clothes!? Have you ever seen a baby sit patiently for their clothes to be buttoned!? And buttoning a moving target is nearly impossible!

The Mighty Stuber Brood said...

You didn't see buttons at our house when you were there. They were banned from babies. That is nearly more horrible than pre-schoolers running around with their pants down to their knees.

Anonymous said...

BONE HEADED!!! I haven't heard that in 20yrs...but using it to descibe buttons in children's pants (clothes of all types) is what it was MADE for.