Grandma Montana blew into town late last week, and she smartly charmed the boys with Transformers.

And the girls were given toys, of course, and read many books.
And grandma likes getting her picture taken about as much as I do. So we'll leave that alone now.

Did you notice Elaine wasn't too present on the Saturday outing? She was certainly not feeling well. By Sunday we decided to just stay in. The other kids got out in the yard for a bit of freedom in their pajamas. The "other kids." Am I the only one that thinks it strange to be able to say "the other kids" in reference to my children?

And our smorgasbord might not have been a great idea.

Because Elaine did a little of this.

And Ben did a little of that. And now Benjamin is home today and should be at the doctor right about now.
And we do hope that you are faring well grandma after loving on the kids so much over the weekend right as we begin our first dip in the the cup of cold and flu season.
Benjamin and Elaine, here's hoping that you just have a bug and not THE bug.
But Grandma Montana seems to have brought a lot of good times to the Brood.
Well, Mom, when you've got four, "the rest of the kids" definitely applies:)
If 2 swine flu shots each are rrcommened at different times as well as one of the regular flu at yet again a different chance, what are the chances you will get them all to peds office at the same time????than you and patric will need those same 3. Um,challenging I suspect
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