Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 2

Home Sick
She really looks it doesn't she?
She keeps throwing a fever at the usual times--morning and early evening. Little cough and sniffles. Right now she is upstairs obsessively washing her hands. Not because she is concerned about the swine flu but because she is obsessed with being able to run the water at will.


The Dukes said...

I'm glad she's livin' it up while she's the only one there!

The Kings said...

She is such a fashionable sick girl!

Mommy Jenny said...

I was afraid someone was sick when there was no blog post yesterday. Hope she's feeling better soon and no one else picks it up!

Anonymous said...

Please explain to her how much she is depleting our aquifer! She listens to reason, right? NO?! I'm shocked. Really, really shocked.

The Mighty Stuber Brood said...

Depleting our aquifer. Please, it's my wallet.

The Dukes said...

I actually did get yelled at about aquifers once, passive aggressively anyway. Either way, it wasn't fun.

You praise that girl for washing those hands so much!!!!!! Aquifers schmaquifers!

Anonymous said...

Ooops, really, I didn't mean it that time I passively aggressively yelled about aquifers. Was that YOU, Dukes? Hmmm, sorry. Chuckle.

PS: I'm the anon friend. I like to raid blogs & make randomly strange but relevent comments. The Stuber Broods mom is entertained by this. She is easily entertained.

The Dukes said...

Well, I'm glad I didn't hurl my plastic water bottle at you that time, then; nice to meet you Anon.