Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Last night you knocked Elaine over. Then you said you were sorry without any prompting and gave her a hug. Your overabundant energy often puts you in this sort of situation where you have gone just a little too far. We'll work on directing it. We will.

This was the night before you turned up with strep. Can you imagine why we sometimes wonder if you're faking it? You didn't complain. You were hamming it up for the camera. And it was overall a great night.

You still hoard things, proudly.

You are pure energy, zero body fat.

You are pretty darn happy. Time out is getting rare for you, but when you do go, hold on because we are going to have a loud one.

You're a trooper.

And we're so glad that you got over your hatred of pictures.


The Dukes said...

I don't know how I missed the "pure energy zero body fat" picture the first time I scrolled through, but I'm glad I went back!! That's great running form, I think you might have a long distance runner on your hands.

Aw, Nicholas, I wish you lived closer and could come play with us!

The Kings said...

Love this post.
Yes, we're all very glad the hambone returned.

Anna said...

The streaking picture in the backyard is definitely one to be saved. Don't know how you got that one, but it is awesome. He's such a cutie - he's going to be a little heartbreaker one day!

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, we are so very glad you got over your hatred of pictures:)

The "day before strep" picture is way too cool, Nicholas.