Thursday, March 5, 2009

I'm Still Laughing

Somewhere in Colorado, a transplanted Southern grandma is saying, "Bless their little hearts. Now go call the electrician."


The Kings said...

I'm with you on that one. I bet I looked at those two pictures about 20 times that day.

Mine has figured out she can unplug lamps then attempt to plug them back in. I know my time is coming for destruction.

The Noltes said...

You have got that right, Stuberama Mama!! I was silly enough to think that we just had to put safety plugs in the outlets! I really didn't think we needed to double-butterfly bolt them to the wall, would you?

Oh, well, Henry was calm so we didn't think he had nibbled away on the wires like a cute, furry chipmunk clutching to a light blue blanket!

Grandad did double-butterfly bolt that outlet. It is always an adventure! We watch your blog all the time for your Stuberoo and Stuberette adventures!

Colorado Gran