Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Scene This Morning

The Conversation:
"It's Christmas?"
"No. It snowed."
"Santa Claus is coming?"
"No. It just snowed."
"No. It's Christmas. Santa is coming."
And so came the ice storm of 2009 that really wasn't, but they did manage to close down the city schools after the buses had picked up and took off with some of the kids. County schools weren't much sooner than that. Daycare however, as open as it could be.


Anna said...

This is how it SHOULD have looked at Christmas. It amazes me how Memphis falls apart at the site of a snowflake - and I've lived here all my life.

By the way, I was at work on time this morning. Over half my office still isn't here, and it's 8:30. I love how people will make any excuse not to go to work.

The Dukes said...

I like the way those boys think.

Anonymous said...

It was/is very pretty. I'm just glad we just got the snow and none of that ice.

I do agree with the Brood, though, it does look like Christmas and Santa should be on his way!

If you got out, I do hope you were careful. And be very careful tonight and in the morning, when all the snow that has melted will freeze!!

Unknown said...

Lucky! Our daycare was closed...any my boys thought it was Christmas, too...