So if you've been over to
Emily and Gracie's blog lately you know they've been decorated for Christmas since Labor Day or some such non-sense. Saturday they spread the disease by showing up at our place early and watching children while the parents went shopping and got a few things done.

And we did get a few things done.

And the kids didn't seem to mind not getting out this past Saturday.

No. We didn't get our Christmas cards done. But pretty much everything else, and we are ready to start receiving as soon as Nicholas lets go of the card holder, which he has claimed as his own.

Really. They didn't seem to mind being left at home all day.

Christmas tree with shatter proof ornaments--done.

I'm still unclear how it is that Nicholas ages five years every time he is around the Kings.

Snowmen sheets to match the bathroom of course.

I'm told they even took a nap Saturday.

And I even got a chance to do a trial run at Christmas Morning Rolls. We used Sunday School as the guinea pigs--they seem to have come out okay since there were only six of us there and this is what we brought home.

Nicholas will tell you, that's a bear.

And this is Santa Claus.

Yep, we even got the wrapping finished and assembly complete.
Now, have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Guys, you introduced us to Iron Man and showed us your tummies after they were filled with oranges (well, except Nicholas; a bit more modest I guess). We had a great time, and we're very glad Mom & Dad were able to get the Christmas spirit flowing at full force in Stuberville.
Stuberville looks more like Whoville with all the Christmas presents, tree, snowman shower curtain, snowman sheets, garland on the mantle, etc. So, if I come watch the munchkins will you come decorate my house and wrap my Christmas presents? I agree, Nicholas does look like he's aged about 5 years. The house looks great. I love the tree, and their little beds are so cute. I'll bet they can't wait for Santa to come visit them!
Yea for Christmas Stuberville!!! Looks like Saturday was a great hit for everyone. I know that Jen and Mark had a great time and I think from all the pictures I've seen the guys and gals had a great time, too!
Just one question Mom and Dad, do you have those presents where little hands cannot get to them? All that pretty paper might just be too difficult to pass up:)
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