There are these moments. The moments between coming home and sitting down to dinner. The moments between getting downstairs in the morning and getting in the car. The moments between needing to go to bed and getting there. These are the moments when we are loud and distracted and perhaps forget to close the refrigerator door while we're swinging wildly through the kitchen. And then there is quiet, and we think to ourselves: Yes. Yes, we will try to refrigerate the entire world.
Okay, is Patric dressing the girls again? It reminds me very much of a former Daddy-dressed-me post involving strawberries I believe.
You are so right! It is a running joke. But in the land of blog rebuilding, I haven't replaced the pictures in that post yet to make a link. And it was a strawberry outfit--you're good. Of course, you sleep...
True. I do sleep, but that one was hard to forget, plus I think we inherited the outfit. :-)
I just noticed one of their little body suits was on the OUTSIDE of her pants. She looks like a little gymnast. Hilarious. Remind me not to let my husband dress our children. Or fix their hair.
Hey, refrigerate the world if you have to in order to find the time to take a sip of water, file a nail or just wring your hair in peace and quiet.
I swear to you that I was on the phone one day and watched Henry close the door on Ian in the fridge. It completely closed. I opened it and he fell out. I still flash back and can't believe it happened but I guess our shelves are spaced just right.
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