Monday: Take girls to daycare in the morning, rip heart out of chest and leave it with them to fight over. Run home, take boys to the dentist with their dad (Nicholas was excellent; Benjamin not so cooperative.) Jump in the car, get some food and head for the airport. I take off for Orlando. Dad spends the rest of the day with the boys and picks up the girls that evening. And BIG star to dad. After the dentist eyed the tell-tale signs of a pacifier addiction and told us we really should be getting rid of them, dad just took them away and has dealt with that conversation all week.
"They're bad for your teeth son."
"Gaggee bad for teeth."
"That's Right!"
"Okay." sniffle
Tuesday: Dad is on parent duty; I'm learning about export duty in Florida.
Wednesday: I'm home in the evening to our first high daycare temperature, some happy boys and lots of chaos.
Today: Alida is home with dad beating the fever. I took the others to daycare. Elaine has made a big stride forward. She did not cry at all as we entered her room and was quiet, yet skeptical, as we greeted the morning staff. She didn't cry during the hand off and only went crazy once she had been transferred. That is better, and we hope it continues in that direction. Not sure how Elaine managed to get away without a spiked fever, so we're waiting by our phones today for a call.
That might get in the way of our plans for a kid free week at home together next week while we both take some vacation time. Oh how vacations have changed.
That picture of Ben is hilarious. It looks a little like a rug burn to me. Maybe he and Nicholas have been dragging each other around. Jenny and I used to do that to each other, so I know from experience what a rug burn looks like (it's actually fun at the time, until you stop and it starts to burn). We were weird kids :)
Hope Ms. A is feeling much better. Glad Dad was able to stay home with her. However, I know Ms. E must have felt lost without her other half!
Even with a boo-boo Gentle Ben is a cutie!
Here's hoping everyone gets to feeling better so your plans can get back on track!!
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