We spent the MOST time at the airplane section, which was right at the beginning and hard to drag them away from at the end.

But you can see why.

We drove a, um, I don't know what that is.

We always appreciate a dance party.

The fire, fire truck came in a close second.

And the ladies spent a good bit of time in a very safe play zone that was just their size except for the either gigantic four-year-old-terrorist or clearly-too-old-to-be-in-this-area kid that was barreling around in there.

We went grocery shopping and Benjamin had his eye on the cabbage. And thankfully he picked up some laundry detergent because it was needed this morning, but that is another story.

Another story that might have something to do with the sausage-that-is-as-big-as-him that Nicholas bought at the store.

Then we had a pizza lunch.
It was a wonderful way to spend Saturday morning, and we never would have gotten there if grandma hadn't been on hand to help the entire weekend. Thank you!
Fun! I love the Children's Museum! I volunteer to go next time. It looks like y'all had a great time. I've never been able to go with "age-appropriate" children. I've always been with older kids that aren't any fun. I haven't been in a long time - looks like they have some new stuff. That airplane looks scarily real!
Very cool outing!
I've never been, but now I can't wait to go. It looks like everyone had a great time.
I am so jealous that you have a Children's Museum nearby! What a fun place.
Awesome field trip! Lets be thinking of a fun place to go with the brood next weekend as a group shower project may not be productive and could get a little cramped with the kiddos :-)
Wow, what a neat place! We are so glad that grandma was able to help you all get there, cause it looks as if everyone had a wonderful time!
From the looks of the airplane I can't blame the boys for wanting to stay.
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