Hi Alida.
Hey, everyone else fled upstairs to hide when I mentioned that we needed to put our shoes on. (Thankfully, I start mentioning this an hour before it needs to happen so we can hope to be on time.)

Let's take a few...
Alida. Look at me. No. I know you know how to roll. Come. Stop. Girl. Please.

Yes. You are two.
Can you give me a smile pretty girl?

No stop jumping around. Just stand there and smile.

What. What is that?

You're not going to do it are you?

Lest anyone out there think she is incapable and I am just pushing the child, I present to you Exhibit A. The Joker here is perfectly capable of sitting still for ten seconds and flashing a smile.

And here is Monkey See, Monkey do with the runny nose.
Let's hope and pray she gets the lipstick scene a little better when she is a teenager!
The dress is simply too elegant. I love it.
Boys were still hiding from the shoe Nazi? Let them walk outside without them...maybe some minds will be changed? No, don't use psych?
I agree with Still Anon there. The make-up evidently is the kicker to get the true smile/pose combo going for a photo-worthy moment. Still adorable!
Where are the latest "Mightys"?
Sick? Ran away from home?
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