Friday, December 18, 2009

The Cast Party

I was apparently feeling brave Tuesday, and instead of whisking them away to get to bed, we hung around and enjoyed cookies and juice. Juice that we spilled and cookies we all took a year to pick out and then refused to eat. I stuffed them all, every last one, in my face as we drove home.


Anonymous said...

Even though he did a great job of picking children who look like you, the Stork dropped the wrong babes!

Such a shame to make you eat the leftovers...were they nummy even though you were eating "under duress"?

The Noltes said...

There is no shame in this. Unless, of course, there were pregnant animals in need of nourishment.

The Noltes said...

Hahaha- that was me, Sarah, accidentally writing as the Noltes!

The Mighty Stuber Brood said...

Man, I was going to say--grandma and grandpa Duke are harsh! Thanks, thanks for reminding me that I really should have saved the cookies for the goat.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I want to accidentally write as someone else! How does one do THAT? I can't even write as myself...It would be like almost hacking Susan's blog! Such fun!

The Mighty Stuber Brood said...

Step 1: Get off of the i-phone anon.

JB said...

Let me see if this much works and them perhaps I will add a picture! I'm guessing you will make fun of me if it is a cat...