Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It's True

Alida can be caught in a better pose every once in awhile.
These are actually the boys' healthy corn dogs the girls attacked as the boys snuck away with the girls' toys.
Symbiosis, Equipoise, Quiet
More on why we're so decked out on a Tuesday night tomorrow.


The Kings said...

You and these blog teasers!

The Dukes said...

Please tell me there was a daycare Christmas pageant and they were all in it and there is video somewhere. Please.

The Mighty Stuber Brood said...

Okay, you got it Dukes.

The Dukes said...

Yahooooo!!!!!! How did I know?! Tell the good people of America that I did not have this information beforehand- it's like I willed it to be true!