Thursday, December 31, 2009

Just Try It

Making dinner with four helpers.


JB-anon no more! said...

I'm happy to see none of the follwing:

1. Fire
2. Boiling water
3. Oil (olive, of course)
4. Red sauce
5. Knives

ok, good. Carry on.

JB-anon no more! said...

I'm happy to see none of the follwing:

1. Fire
2. Boiling water
3. Oil (olive, of course)
4. Red sauce
5. Knives

Ok, good. Carry on.

The Dukes said...

I love how the Stuber Brood seems to have about 7 holiday outfits each. I don't know how you do it, but I'm anxious to see for myself someday soon!

The Mighty Stuber Brood said...

So many outfits, so few places to go...