Elaine came inside from outside the second she saw something happening in the kitchen. She is obsessed with helping all the way down to handing out
every one's food and telling them to sit down and eat at dinner time.

She stuck with it the entire time, and she doesn't even like this stuff.

Nicholas, on the other hand, decided it would be a good time to brush his teeth.

This is my bill for 15 minutes of peace.
So worth it.

Remember the wonderful reunion pictures of daddy with the kids at daycare?
The meltdown happened within two minutes of getting everyone inside.

Elaine does not like candy.
But she still insists on giving it a try.
(Alida is currently hooked on pink, so our color scheme has gone out the window. We now rely on them to tell us who they are.)

My dad used to call it "heathen Christmas."
Watching them wade through the wreckage brought back memories for me.

Obsessed with phones and digging in the drawers in my room.

Creepy in a Silence of the Lambs sort of way.

Elaine does not have a future in theatre I don't think.

Ben, when you are a goof, you're a goof.
When you're not, you're not.

Also currently obsessed with my shoes. This pair in particular.

The Dapper Dan dolls from grandma were worth a good half hour. Now they are naked, and I will have to find their clothes before they get any more attention I fear.

Markers in my bathroom so I could fold clothes one Sunday afternoon.

Won't be doing that again.
What happened to my post? Did I delete my new jb anon?
JB Anon no more...
Well, jeez. I said how boomin' smart that adorable Elaine is (for a 2+ yo to concentrate that long) and how silly their mom is for giving ALL those bright kids magic markers in an enclosed space, and how Ben is just a cool character and, well, I won't try to remember everything I posted earlier since it hurts my head... But these kids are the Stuber Brood, thus naturally really cute and intelligent.
Oh well if you were going to say all that, by all means remain anon
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