Off to Hobby Lobby to look for tea party hats, which we didn't find.

But we did find the isle with all of the cheap little toys. That entertained everyone long enough to get through the store. We saw fall decorations and my heart skipped a little beat there for a minute. Then we ran across the Christmas isles. Yes, the Christmas isles plural. I'm not the type to get
incensed about seeing Christmas stuff in the middle of July in the South, but I just can't imagine there is anyone buying this stuff right now.

Then we got donuts and headed to the park where my children took off for the big kid playground where you would expect that the little people would have killed themselves. But they did fine here. It was the part where Elaine ran under the swings while Nicholas was going full bore where we ran into trouble. He got her on the back swing, and when I picked her up she literally had rubber in her teeth.

Then, since we were going public so well all by ourselves, we hit Burger King where Transformer toys live. Four kids meals. Three of one toy. One of another toy. I spent the remainder of the weekend telling people they were mistaken that I cared and that I would throw it away if anyone complained about sharing. That tactic actually worked for most of the weekend.
Stick to your guns, Mom, regardless what they think:)
I'm glad Elaine wasn't hurt (too much anyway) and better she walk away with rubber swing in her teeth than her teeth in the rubber swing!
They look so grown at the table by themselves.
Hope you found the tea party things you needed elsewhere.
You are so brave!
The BK people are crazy for giving you one different toy! They should have had to monitor the Stuberoos and Stuberettes for lunch and let you sit over there reading a book or magazine! Take that, BK people!
When I was the only adult in my classroom, I had what I called "The June Box." I threatened that all toys or whatever was causing the ruckus at the moment would be housed in that box (It was really a cardboard box I kept under my desk) until June! You would have thought I was threatening a firing squad what with all the pleading and promises of ceasing the arguments and discontent! I am trying to remember, but I think I used the same tactic at home, but my 'box' was the Goodwill Box I kept in the trunk of my car.
I say, Whatever Works!
Yeah, I would have walked back up to that counter and demanded a switch on the happy meal toy. Kudos to you for teaching the life lesson, though, that's what you SHOULD do!
If I could sew, I would be making you a Mommy sash and little badges for days just like this.
If you need any help setting up for the party, please let me know. I'm not kidding - I have NOTHING else to do ;)
It also perturbs me that Hobby Lobby (and everyone else for that matter) has Christmas stuff out in July. Is that really necessary? It must be at least 50% off for me to buy it. However, I will pay full price for fall stuff. I just love it and I don't care if it's out in February.
Can't wait til Saturday. Is it sad that I'm looking forward to a couple of 2 year olds birthday party?
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