I'm not very impressed with the fact that she is going through a take-off-my-pants phase. Even the diaper. Perhaps she's ready to be done with them. I still can't quite imagine a day that I am done with them.
Cool Daddy-o in his Father's Day digs.
We rearranged our living room this past month. The room not only feels 100 percent larger, it feels like a living room now. Someday we'll take the baby gate down from the fireplace; I'm just not ready to hunt up the fake rocks in there yet.
And the extra room was turned into a train station of course.
Cool girl, just like her daddy.
Us on a walk home from dinner with friends. They are trying to sell their house. It was the most tense dinner we've had yet. They served cheetoes because they're awesome at serving foods that kids will eat. We thanked them by smearing Cheeto hands all over the place. At least they have wood floors.
Me with my baby girl, who is no where close to being a baby any longer.

You can dress up the toddlers in dainty clothes,

But you can't make Alida act dainty in any way if she's not in the mood.
Ben. I think you grew a year's worth this past month. And then, you helped me set the table two nights ago. And by helped, I mean I handed you real plates and you took them to the table and placed them. You took a handful of silverwear and dispersed it appropriately for the most part. You set out napkins for everyone. That was awesome. You like to help me in the kitchen when I'm cooking, and I love our few moments we get to scramble the eggs or stir the pot before the others figure out what is going on and race to tackle their way to the counter.

You can dress up the toddlers in dainty clothes,

But you can't make Alida act dainty in any way if she's not in the mood.

You always say no matter what while looking me straight in the eye: "This is going to be good!"
Then you generally refuse to eat.
It may be terrible, but I'm looking forward to it. I remember when Grandma Cheri sent these shirts last year and I thought how huge they were. They're perfect. And you're both lovely.
Just when I think the Kings have certainly had enough of helping entertain us, I think momma Jen talked me into having a birthday party for the girls behind my back... I didn't even know what was happening until I was in the middle of making a grocery list. I can't wait for our play date.

How strange.
They ARE growing up SO fast. I can't believe the "babies" are going to be 2! It seems like just a couple of months ago they were Georgia's age and Jenny was feeding them in their bouncy seats. It's been fun watching all of them get bigger. You have such great kids - each has such a distinctive personality. We need to come visit again soon and not wait so long in between visits. Hope you're all still having a great summer!
As always, Mom, love, love, love the randomness:))
Two in a couple of weeks, WOW, seems like yesterday Benjamin and Nick were in Forrest City while you and Dad were at the hospital.
They seemed like such little fellows then, but my goodness, look at them now.
Beautiful little ladies, handsome little men, LIVE IS GOOD at the Stuber home:)
And, oh, yes, Jennifer will talk you into a birthday party. My child is all about the party:)
I will always love randomness. What awesome little helpers you have. Just think, one day soon, Ben will cook you a lovely meal and set the table, Nicholas will provide your entertainment for the evening, Elaine will be your happy, smiling server and Alida will skeptically pour you chockit milk and clear the table.
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