A year ago you turned one. And you were still giving us a run for our money at night.

I'm not sure where you draw your energy from, but the well is deep girl.

But who can resist?

You hang in there with the boys in nearly every antic.

And you aren't shy about exploring on your own.

The smile helps melt the weariness for sure. Although you are learning to flash that smile when we catch you doing something wrong. (sometimes it works.)

You do things I can't even imagine my youngest baby should be doing far before I'm comfortable with you doing them. I watched a woman shadow her boy--one of your former classmates--around the toddler playground this morning ready to intervene at every.single.step. You meanwhile took off for the big kid playground and
proceeded to climb the creepily open bars to the very top without help.

You entertain us.

And you demand from us.

And you pay us back.

You are my only child who does not ask to be carried up the stairs.
"I do it myself."

It was interesting this day when you waited for everyone to be out of here before you went in. As if you needed to test it by yourself before you were comfortable.

Now you just take off down the block.
Happy Birthday Alida!!!
Happy, Happy Birthday, Alida!! Thanks to Mom, we've been privileged to watch you over the last two years and boy was there excitement there!!
We're just all thankful you finally decided that "sleep" wasn't such a bad thing:)
And the little "smile" works on EVERYBODY, girl, and you know that!!
Wishing you a day filled with fun, games, great presents, and lots and lots of LOVE!!
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