Please do not call our home or our cell phones or our work numbers any more unless there is some actual news to share with us. Along with having to deal with this problem, by escalating it we have apparently been put on a call list to be pestered, which is also aggravating the situation and wasting our time even more fully.
The only acceptable solution we can imagine at this point is either the arrival of a repair person on our doorstep with all of the necessary tools to fix this particular computer or the arrival on our doorstep of a new computer to replace this one.
Sincerely, blah blah.
Since Dell's solution was to have someone call and try to teach us how to re-image our computer, we are now done with them. I was particularly impressed with the four messages they left on our home phone during a work day because, you know, we hang out at home during the work week. We are now officially Mac people.
I have heard many awesome things about Macs. I want all the details, as we are considering a Mac laptop ourselves someday.
Thank you. You have confirmed what Trent & I have been debating for a while now. Next computer, we will be welcoming a Mac laptop into our lives.
Joe would marry his mac were he not legally bound to me in holy matrimony.
I adore my Dell. Of course, it works!
I have a Toshiba and have had no problems. I've heard nothing but bad things about Dell. But I can't switch to a Mac because I love PC's software. I hate using Jenny's Mac. Maybe someday...
While there may be a brief period of discomfort, the switch to mac may be the best decision of your life. Just buy a six pack of beer along with your new computer and all will be well. My mac has had ZERO problem in four years and works just as well as the day I got it. As for Sarah's comment, I have thought about the branch of the Mormon church that practiced polygamy but that would throw a wrench into the coffee roasting thing.
Good luck. Go for it.
PS Our mac store offers a one-time class on making the switch from pc to mac.
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