Two years ago today, the party really got started.

Three months into it we were still moving by sheer will power alone.
But goodness you were cute little things.

Six months into it, we would have been dead if it hadn't been for the daily shine of new things and wonder that we were all teaching each other.

Nine months into it, we were resigned to just throwing french fries at you.

By the time you were a year, we began managing to make it out of the house even though we could hardly get you to wear shoes when we did.

And then you walked and said words and got into a few things. And you know what? You are a perfect addition to this our life in chaos.

And here we are in the summer of the year you turn two, and I'm unclear how we got here so very fast.

You amaze me.

Happy Birthday Wonder Twins.
I cannot wait to see what the next year brings.
Happy Birthday, Elaine and Alida! Hoping you got to spend it in the beautiful sunshine, running around naked in the backyard with your brothers. You two are so sweet and fun and we can't wait to see what the next year brings either!
Wonder Twins, indeed!
Today is the first day you have four children BETWEEN the ages of 2 and 4.
I really hope you get to put that on a form before December...
Happy Birthday, Lovely Ladies!
Happy Day to all the Stubers! No kids under the age of two!
Thank you for your blog. I enjoy reading it every day when I check on The Dukes.
I love your sense of humor and your practical yet entertaining way of expressing your life through words and photos. You have many talents, Mrs. Stuber. I admire you in oh so many ways!
Gran of The Dukes
Again, Happy Birthday, Lovely Little Ladies!!
And, as Gran of the Dukes said, we do admire you in oh so many ways Mom. You've shared your fears and worries with us. But more importantly you have shared your love of these four little ones over and over again.
Ms. Elaine and Ms. Alida, you are such perfect little angels, with just enough "mischief" thrown in the mix to make each day a wonderful event!!
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