A year ago you turned one.

And we started with very little hair but a very sweet attitude.

You go until you are done going--and then you rest.

You are always in for a safe adventure.

And you are our generally content child still.

But you have your
Stuber moments--full and true.

But mostly you are content. We'll see what the 2's bring us.

You hate all things chocolate, except chocolate pudding...

And swinging is one of your favorite ways to pass the time.

Today you are beginning to voice your opinion on what you wear. Most mornings you won't accept the shoes I'm about to put on you and tell me "No, not this one. This one!" pointing to some other pair.

You are our littlest at the moment but most times you are our biggest eater.

And you fill me with smiles and hope that we'll learn from each other how to be women some day.

For now, you are my little girl who is turning 2.
Happy Birthday Elaine!!!
LOVE that puddin' face in the Mardi Gras picture, you sure are adorable...
Happy Number Two, Ms. Elaine!!
We have enjoyed so your first two years and wait filled with excitement as to what this year will bring.
And it's not important that you don't like "all things chocolate," but that you just LIKE chocolate.
And that wonderful little pixie face, those big soulful eyes, you catch a heart and keep it, little girl.
Thank you, Mom, for sharing such wonderful children.
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