You know that cake we had when we were little? The white cake that had strawberry jello mixed with strawberry soda poured over it and then Cool Whip mixed with vanilla pudding on top?
Ben couldn't run away fast enough.
Once Nicholas saw that no one was going to make him eat cake, he ran for the backyard too.

Elaine was polite. She took two bites and smiled before asking to get down.

That's my girl Alida.
You and your daddy make me feel like it might be worth the trouble.
Way to go Alida, make Mommy feel special:) AND, since we ALL know how independent you are, young lady, we know that cake must really be pretty good to get you to give us that great big smile.
Patric, we're glad you liked it, too, but where was your smiling face, covered with cake?
My boys took two bites of plain white cake- no icing- before running off to play in Denver. Our kids are crazy.
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