Attached please find the result of your third attempt to fix our laptop computer, which obviously failed. My husband, who is in graduate school and works full time and travels often for the National Guard, has spent more than three day’s worth of his personal time in online chats trying to fix this, waiting at our home to receive packages for this, and traveling to drop-off centers to return this computer and pick up replacement parts. The final return of the computer with two notes, one that said it had been fixed and another that said it had not been fixed along with some piece of the computer floating around in the box was particularly aggravating. But it was not nearly as bewildering as the part where one of the notes said that the repair center we sent the computer to did not have the necessary equipment available to repair the computer.
Please do not call our home or our cell phones or our work numbers any more unless there is some actual news to share with us. Along with having to deal with this problem, by escalating it we have apparently been put on a call list to be pestered, which is also aggravating the situation and wasting our time even more fully.
The only acceptable solution we can imagine at this point is either the arrival of a repair person on our doorstep with all of the necessary tools to fix this particular computer or the arrival on our doorstep of a new computer to replace this one.
Sincerely, blah blah.
Since Dell's solution was to have someone call and try to teach us how to re-image our computer, we are now done with them. I was particularly impressed with the four messages they left on our home phone during a work day because, you know, we hang out at home during the work week. We are now officially Mac people.