The boy took a header while waiting in the empty bathtub after a fight over a shampoo bottle while I was dressing Alida for bed. There was so much blood that by the time I got there I couldn't tell if it was his nose, his mouth, or some other part of his face.
Emergency room or Steri Strip?
Steri Strip.
He seems to be fine now.
So, did Miss Elaine learn how to climb out of her bed or did she fall asleep standing up? Either way, it may be time to start thinking about a couple of those cute little mattresses for the girls to match the ones the boys have. Although, maybe the girls can actually handle real beds without tearing them apart. Unless they've learned too much from their brothers :)
Another solo weekend for the record books.
We truly all stand in awe of the Big; Little Stuber ratio.
My brother has a scar exactly where Nicholas has his boo-boo. I can't think of a single boy I know that hasn't had that injury at one time or another.
Still believe it's not possible to fall out of a crib?
That's not poor parenting- you treated the injuries!
She was actually walking around with a bottle when she just decided to fall asleep. I turned the lights off after that.
No. A child does not just fall out of a crib, not without a deliberate attempt directly prior to escape said crib Duke mommy. Your turn is coming.
I will take my "falling out of the crib" story with me to the nursing home!
If you could just see the way he haphazardly swings his limbs around without purpose, I think you would agree that maybe it's a possibility after all. Seriously!
What was Elaine so pooped from? Trying to explain the value of sleep to Alida?
That the best answer I can think of because that evening Alida fought going down until 9:00, tucked nicely over in my bedroom--far away from all other children.
Wow, Nicholas, you're gonna have a way cool scar:)
She was just too tried to take another step!
With Alida in your bed, what was Benjamin doing through all of this?
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