If it was hard to have twins and teach them to safely be in the front yard and stay out of the street the first time, you might think the second time would go a little more smoothly. However, our daughters apparently think they have minds of their own. Alida will fall to the ground face first in an all out tantrum if you try to hold her hand and guide her from running into the street, and Elaine will stand and scream as if being beaten with a switch. So we drug out the third trike, put them both on and pushed them along behind the brothers...for a few houses. And then that about broke my back and the thing wouldn't steer and someones toes kept scraping the ground. So a few houses down the trike was abandoned in someone's driveway so the girls and I could make a screaming retreat to the safety of the living room and watch Yo Gabba Gabba, which I have not decided if I will be banning from the house yet on the principle that it is wildly annoying to watch.
The girls apparently think they are just as big as the boys. That is something younger brothers and sisters do. They'll always want to be doing the same thing their big brothers are doing, even if they are too little. You're in for a long road, lady. But didn't the boys look so grown up on their tricycles! Maybe while dad takes the boys out front to ride trikes, you can let the girls play out back in the sandbox (I know how you love cleaning up that mess!)
Trike ride - cute.
Yo Gabba Gabba - disturbing.
It has been banned from the King home. The DJ ranks a way-out-there on the creep-o-meter for me. We switch over to Sponge Bob at that point.
Look at those little feet go:) It won't be long until the Little Misses will be going on their own, too. Glad everyone got to go out-front:)
Yo Gabba Gabba, now that is an interesting little show. It kinda makes you wonder "What were they thinking?", doesn't it? The little characters are so, shall we say, different.
Oh, well, we're looking at them through adult eyes, the children probably just think they're funny.
Yes, Granny E, different is one way to put it. Sometimes I wonder if I don't know exactly what they were thinking when that show was created.
But they love it, and the girls don't really love much tv...
The boys cannot possibly be big enough for those trikes all by themselves! That makes me sad!
P.S. We never watched Yo Gabba Gabba when I was on duty. I find it HIGHLY disturbing! I also couldn't handle the Doodlebops. But the boys LOVED them! I made sure to turn it off before they saw it!
Oh I find Gabba highly mesmerizing and then disturbing, but then I go back to being mesmerized. It is as if we have all drank some cool aid and turned on the prophet when that show comes on. Strange. The Doodlebops--plain annoying.
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