Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

More This Evening of course.


The Dukes said...

So cute! Those four are really learning how to coordinate their smiles for a picture.

After watching Elaine pull that drawing board around in the video, I'm now wondering if it is in fact glued to her hand accidentally and you're just not telling us...

The Kings said...

Wonderful picture! Happy Halloween to you Stuberoos!

Anna said...

Wow..the girls really look different in this picture. They don't look nearly as identical as they used to. Maybe it's because they're dressed differently, but I think each of their faces is starting to take its own shape and get its own features. But they're both beautiful! And Ben and Nickel have such handsome smiles! Can't wait to hear about tonight!

Anonymous said...

Those are the best looking little goblins I've EVER seen:)